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Where, who, what

“(where)” –  Lluís Ribes i Portillo (cc)
“(who)” –  Lluís Ribes i Portillo (cc)
“(what)” –  Lluís Ribes i Portillo (cc)
 “I’ll slip away”

And I’ll forget about the girl that said no 
Then I’ll tell who I want where to go 
And I’ll forget about your lies and deceit 
And your attempts to be so discreet 
Maybe today, yeah 
I’ll slip away 

And you can keep your symbols of success 
Then I’ll pursue my own happiness 
And you can keep your clocks and routines 
Then I’ll go mend all my shattered dreams
Maybe today, yeah 
I’ll slip away

Cause you’ve been down on me for too long 
And for too long I just put you on 
Now I’m tired of lying and I’m sick of trying 
Cause I’m losing who I really am 
And I’m not choosing to be like them 

And if you get bored and you got loneliness 
Or it’s dislike for me you express 
I won’t care if you’re right or you’re wrong 
I won’t care cause you see I’ll be gone
Maybe today, yeah 
I’ll slip away

Maybe today, yeah 
Maybe today, yeah 
Maybe today, yeah girl
I’ll slip away

“I’ll slip away”Rodriguez (youtube videoclip)
Fotos » Pàgina 24

Lluís Ribes

Fer arribar la vida digital a la gent és la meva dedicació, la fotografia allò amb el que més m'agrada expressar-me i de la poesia un constant aprenentatge. Aquesta web va començar el 2005 i recull aquestes inquietuds i d'altres que he volgut compartir.

Si vis amari, ama