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We are looking for a workmate

Hi,the company where I’m working, are looking for a new IT System Administrator senior worker . He or she will be my workmate and for this reason I use my blog to look for someone (besides the official application form that I attach you in the message’s foot, of course).
The company name is Lavinia Interactiva, from Lavinia Media Group. The business are multimedia web, streaming, Tv Producer etc. In the last year the company has grown up a lot! Now we are 900 people in Madrid, Barcelona and Brussels.
We are looking for one person with at least 2 years of experience with Linux (80%) – Windows (20%) servers: linux mail and dns server, internet technology: Apache, Tomcat, PHP, IIS & Java and DB: MySql, Oracle & SQL Server
But better if this person moreover has skills in high performance web delivery technology as Squid, Heartbeat, DRDB or VmWare. It’ll be the main matter in the new products.
The job is for the Barcelona office, Spain. It’s in the 22@ neighbor. It’s a full weekday job: 8 hours each day, from Monday to Friday. About speech skills, you have to speak spanish & english. And catalan, certainly it’d be very nice to have a good attitude to learn it if you didn’t speak, it’s not hard!
And last, I think that we appraise sensible, hardworker and analytical person for this job.
So, if you are interested or you know someone, here you can find the official job application: Tècnic Administració de Sistemes
Don’t hesitate to contact with me if you have any doubt too : [email protected]
Artículos » We are looking for a workmate

Lluís Ribes

Fer arribar la vida digital a la gent és la meva dedicació, la fotografia allò amb el que més m'agrada expressar-me i de la poesia un constant aprenentatge. Aquesta web va començar el 2005 i recull aquestes inquietuds i d'altres que he volgut compartir.

Si vis amari, ama